H - Helpful
O - Optimistic
R - Respectful
N - Neighborly
E - Empathetic
T - Trustworthy
Joseph Stokes Elementary School is a K-3 school within the Trenton Public School District. Our school colors are green and yellow and we are the home of the Hornets.
We want to take a moment to welcome you to our school and share our excitement about having the privilege to be a part of your child’s educational journey. For those who may not know, Joseph Stokes Memorial School re-opened to serve just those K-3 students who live in the community. Our primary goal is to create a warm and supportive environment where your child will feel supported and cared for and where you feel comfortable leaving them for six and a half hours each day. This will be accomplished by focusing on open communication, celebrating all of our successes, and incorporating social and emotional learning in all of our classes.